Two-in-one: Frilly poncho as a winter skirt

The other day I wrote about my frilly poncho. And a few years back, I had attempted a skirt that failed as a skirt, but worked as a poncho. It turns out that the frilly poncho has just the right "slope" to it that it works as a skirt.

For a more grounded look, instead of the ribbon, it is also possible to put a belt through two sets of eyelets in the front and two in the back (using the eyelets to emulate belt-loops).

When worn as a poncho, have a column of increases go right down the middle front (so there will be columns of increases down the shoulders and arms and another one in the middle of the back). When worn as a skirt, rotate such that two columns of increases go down the front of the skirt and two down the back, following how skirt panels would normally be arranged.


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