Spring break project: (faux) wrap pants - Day 3

Anticipating a need for them soon, I cut the two panels that will wrap around the front of the pants out of the front side of the skirt. I cut a rectangle straight down from the waist of the patterned skirt. It looked like it would be just wide enough. At any rate, I will have to make do with what I have, that's all the fabric I am getting off that skirt.

Next I had to shape and cut the waist line so I could judge how to best line up the panels before sewing them into the side seams of the pants.

I laid the pants flat with the back side facing up (in other words, the patterned fabric). At this stage, everything was still inside out. I used the waist band of the lime skirt as a template to trace the curve of the waist of the pants and then cut it.

Next I unfolded the pants to get the patterned fabric out of the way while I lay the top part of the front of the pants (lime colored fabric) flat on my cutting area, right side facing up. I took a band of scrap fabric obtained from cutting the lime skirt and laid it right sides facing on top of the pants. I pinned it in place. Because i am paranoid, I allowed it to stick out slightly off the one side that will get stitched all the way up the pant leg (and so does not require a seam allowance past what is already there for the pant legs). I left the other side of the band uncut for now. On that other side, I expect to have to make a slit opening at the top of the pants, but I yet have to determine what that will look like.

I flipped the work over and trimmed the waist band to match the pants waist. I worked an overlock stitch on both pieces before stitching the band to the front of the pants, using a short stitch for strength. I pressed the seam flat.

And this is as far as I go today. As I was working on finishing the seam, I tapped my rotary cutter with my finger and proceeded to put blood everywhere. Thankfully, the linen fabric of the pants washes easily and the blood was on the wrong side. But my pants need to dry and my finger needs a rest.


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