Alteration - Indian dress Part 2

Today I worked on the second side seam and one princess seam when I realized that the 8 cm to reduce was not from all 6 seams, as it is just for the front. There is another 8 cm to take off in the back. so I have to multiply the amount of fabric to take off at each seam by 2.

I left the side seams alone for now, but redid the princess seam I had already done, then mirrored the modification on the other back princess seam. That leaves the front princess seams untouched. I did a first fitting.

I am sad to report that the bodice is almost good at the waist, but still roomy at the chest, even with a padded bra. Tomorrow I will seam rip the front princess seams and pin them to the new size, before trying the bodice on again. I expect to have to take several centimeters off at the chest, while leaving the waist as it is. I might have to go back and also reduce some bulk at the side seams near the arm pits.


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